Zanimajoč se za našo zgodovino sem na internetu odkril fotografije belgijskega fotografa Jan Kempenaers-a, na katerih sem občudoval spomenike NOB. Nekatere sem poznal, nekatere pa ne in ravno ti so pritegnili mojo pozornost. Potovanja mi niso tuja, zato je odločitev padla zelo hitro. To moram videti v živo.
Pred vami so, upam da zanimive fotografije spomenikov, ki so jih delali najboljši kiparji in arhitekti tedanjega časa. Nekatere je težko najti, saj niso označeni. V pomoč so mi bile fotografije belgijskega fotografa, s katerimi sem veliko lažje »povedal« kaj iščem. Za resničen se je pokazal star rek, da slika pove več kot 1000 besed zato kar k njim.
INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOS OF MONUMENTS (in the area of ex. YU) - 2011
Enquireing about our history, I discovered photos from a Belgian photographer Jan Kempenaers on the internet, where I admired monuments of NOB (National Liberation Fight in Yugoslavia during the 2nd world war). I was familiar with some of them, but the ones I didn't know attracted my attention. I am not new to travelling, so the decision was made very quickly. »I have to see this for myself!
INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOS OF MONUMENTS (in the area of ex. YU) - 2011
Enquireing about our history, I discovered photos from a Belgian photographer Jan Kempenaers on the internet, where I admired monuments of NOB (National Liberation Fight in Yugoslavia during the 2nd world war). I was familiar with some of them, but the ones I didn't know attracted my attention. I am not new to travelling, so the decision was made very quickly. »I have to see this for myself!
Here are some of my hopefully interesting photos of monuments, that were created by the best sculptors and architects of that time. Some of them are hard to locate, because there are no signs. Photos from the Belgian photographer were of big help, for by showing them, it was easier to explain what I was looking for, when asking for direction. Once again, an old proverb, which says that a picture tells more than 1000 words, turned out to be true. So, here are the pictures.
Odlična rdeča nit za aktivne ljudi, ki radi povežejo pohodniške, kolesarske, motoristične in ostale vrste izletov s splošnim izobraževanjem in negovanjem neprecenljivega spomina na največji, najpomembnejši oz. najbolj presoden del zgodovine svojega naroda in tudi lastne družine. Tako lahko poskrbiš za telo in duha, spoznavaš prelepo pestro Slovenijo in bivšo domovino Jugoslavijo. Geografija in zgodovina. Prostor in čas. Mene ta potovanja in izleti navdajajo s ponosom, da sem bil Jugoslovan in da sem Slovenec. Nekaj pa človek vendarle mora imeti...